Place Ste Catherine

Place Sainte Catherine is well recommended for just sitting when you have time to spare. 

All sorts of unusual things happen around this place. Next to many fish restaurants (the place was the Fish market of Brussels on the 19th), there is an ice cream vendor, an African restaurant and several night shops. 

During summer, the place is cover by chairs and tables of the restaurants around and beers flowly. But you can just sit there for hours talking, watching and enjoying the changing city scenery. The place is a welcome change from the rest of the center noisy areas. This is a nice place to visit when you want to just sit down, enjoy a long conversation, watch the people passing by or getting to know large groups of friends.

Spend some time in this area to get acquainted with Brussels calm life.

And during winter, from mid-December to January 1st, hailed by British tour operators as Europe’s most original Xmas market, the XMas market on Place Ste Catherine is a must. And awarded by the Wall Streer Journal, you can also enjoy of 1.000 square meters for ice skating.