Robert Schuman

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann is one of the founding fathers of Europe along with Jean Monnet. On May 9, 1950, he embodied the foundation of Europe with the quote: "Nothing durable is accomplished easily." A brilliant political career in France ended with the First Presidency of the European Parliament.
Robert Schumann Key Dates: 
June 29, 1886: Birth of Robert Schuman in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
1912: Lawyer in Metz
1915 - 1962: Elected as Member of Thionville
June-November 1946: Minister of Finance
November 1947 - July 1948: Chairman of the Board
July 1948 - December 1952: Minister of Foreign Affairs
1955 - 1961: Minister of Justice
1955-1961: President of the European Movement
1958 - 1960: European Parliament President
September 4, 1963: Death of Robert Schuman.